Twitter: Telling Fired Journalists 'Learn to Code' is 'Targeted Harassment,' Bannable Offense

Chris Menahan
Jan. 28, 2019

















Telling a laid off journalist to "learn to code" may get you permanently banned from Twitter as they've reportedly now begun classifying it as "targeted harassment."

Back in 2008, after the Obama administration started shutting down coal-fired power plants with onerous regulations, journalists made a meme out of writing articles telling fired coal workers and others to "learn to code."

Just last week, in the wake of mass layoffs at Buzzfeed and The Huffington Post, right-wingers made a meme out of telling fired journalists to "learn to code."

Journos no doubt complained to Twitter about it and Twitter responded by making it a bannable offense:

Twitter confirmed it was a bannable offense but said it was more "nuanced":

You can dox, lie about, and threaten with violence young white kids if they're wearing MAGA hats and smirking without any issue, but making fun of journalists is crossing the line!